Harps-N Science Team
INAF headquarters, after evaluation of the candidates,
has chosen the three names for the Italian participation in the Harps-N Science Team.
The colleagues are Giampaolo Piotto (Padova), Giusi Micela (Palermo)
and Alessandro Sozzetto (Torino).
They will be the nucleus of the Italian collaborators who
will work in the Guaranteed Time, with the main goal of
performing the critical radial-velocity follow-up of
transiting-planet candidates identified by NASA's Kepler mission,
and to monitor bright quiet stars to find possibly rocky planets in the habitable zone.
We extract from the Consortium Agreement: "The tasks of the Scientific Team are:
- Follow new scientific developments in the fields of interest in order to adjust the scientific goals and targets of the GTO program as the project evolves
- Prepare and carry out the GTO Scientific Program
- Prepare for potential follow-up programs
- Carry out observations
- Collect, reduce and analyze the scientific data issued from the GTO program
- Write publications related to the GTO program
All the Italian astronomers who are interested in participating to this project, or plan to use Harps-N in the future, may contact:
Emilio Molinari, Executive Board Co-PI
- Giampaolo Piotto, Science Team Co-I
- Giusi Micela, Science Team Co-I
- Alessandro Sozzetti, Science Team Co-I
Emilio Molinari, Executive Board Co-PI