Fundación Galileo Galilei - INAF Telescopio Nazionale Galileo 28°45'14.4N 17°53'20.6W 2387.2m A.S.L.

5% International Time programme is open, deadline 28-02-2019

The International Scientific Committee (CCI) of the Roque de los Muchachos (ORM, La Palma) and Teide (OT, Tenerife) observatories invites applications for the International Time Programme (ITP) on the telescopes installed at these Observatories.

The current call (for the periods starting with semester 2019B=AOT40) is open until February 28, 2019.

The call can be downloaded here.

Observing time is available to organisations of the Signatory Countries (Spain, Germany, UK, Italy, France, Belgium and Finland), their collaborating institutions of any country and to all Spanish Institutions, with permission from the IAC.

Requests are evaluated jointly by the time allocation committees of each telescope operator. The CCI informs the PIs of the awarded proposals in June.

All proposers must contact the corresponding telescope operator for an initial technical appraisal on the feasibility of their proposed observations.

For the TNG, no more than eight nights can be requested in one semester. Applicants must take into account the Protected Targets policy.

The proposal should concentrate on a single large-scale astronomical research project that would benefit from the use of more than one facility and/or propose observations on two or more telescopes that complement each other. In exceptional cases an outstanding proposal that requests time on only one telescope will be considered, but the PI should add a letter to the Scientific Advisor with copy to the CCI Secretary, justifying why they cannot apply for the time requested through the normal panels.

Contact the CCI Secretary for further information and an application form ( or download it here.
See also IAC webpage.