Fundación Galileo Galilei - INAF Telescopio Nazionale Galileo 28°45'14.4N 17°53'20.6W 2387.2m A.S.L.

TNG Schedule- Period AOT23/2011A

Listed below are the TNG nights scheduled in visitor mode and details on ToO programmes for the AOT23/11A period. The rest of the approved programmes are scheduled in queuing mode, with the priority given by the INAF-TAC.

Astronomers with allocated queuing time will be contacted by us in a few days after the publication of this schedule and are requested to submit their observing blocks before 16:00UT of January 28, 2011. Please note that late submissions may produce a downgrading of the observing blocks. Visiting observers are kindly invited to read the instructions given here. In case of doubt, they can contact our Astronomy Helpdesk.

Other information, hints and warnings useful to prepare the observing run can be found here. Please note that special instructions and time constraints apply to programs requiring multi-object spectroscopy (DOLoRes+MOS), see the dedicated web page.

Any comments or inquiries about this schedule can be addressed to the Head of Astronomy.



Visitor Mode

Programme and PI Instrument Allocated nights
CAT_12 Pallé Bagó SARGFeb 11-12; 23-24
CAT_19 Pedro Hedrosa SARGFeb 13-14
TAC_50 Mazzotta Epifani DOLoResMar 1
TAC_28 Smart DOLoRes/NICSMar 6-12; May 6-13; Jul 6-13
CAT_102 Toloba Jurado NICSMar 17-20
TAC_52 Cappelluti DOLoRes+MOSMar 26-27
TAC_57 Perna DOLoRes/NICSMar 28-29
TAC_43 Perna DOLoRes Mar 30-31
CAT_108 Mateos Ibañez DOLoRes Apr 4-5
CAT_99 López Aguerri DOLoRes+MOSApr 7-11
CAT_194 González Hernández SARGApr 14; May 16; Jun 12; Jul 17
TAC_31 Correnti DOLoResApr 15-19
OPT11A_26 Sobral NICSApr 26-27
TAC_3 Pinilla Alonso DOLoRes/NICSMay 5 (4 hrs)
ITP10_02 Pérez Fournon DOLoRes/NICSMay 25-31
TAC_39 Ripamonti DOLoRes Jun 7 (half night); Jun 8
TAC_34 Frasca SARGJun 13-16
CAT_47 López Morales SARGJun 20-22; Jul 25-27
TAC_48 Ortolani DOLoRes/NICSJun 23-26
TAC_56 Mazzotta Epifani DOLoRes Jun 27; Jul 28
CAT_30 Ortiz Moreno DOLoResJun 30-Jul 4
TAC_13 Origlia GIANOJul 18-21 (half nights)




Programme and PI ToO Time Notes
TAC_19 Walker 15 hr  
TAC_21 Palazzi 36 hr  
TAC_29 Benetti 20 hr  
TAC_58 Izzo 9 hr  
CAT_192 Gorosabel 4 triggers (1 hr each). No Override