General Info
Guidelines for visiting astronomersGuidelines for service observations (includes information on overheads)
Time Allocation Commitee
Protected Targets
Target of Opportunity Policy
Director Discretionary Time Policy
Travelling to La Palma
Technical Info
Telescope & InstrumentsFilters Overview
Time Sharing Policy
La Palma Sky Brightness
Observer Feedback FormORM Residence Feedback Form
Exposure Time Calculator for:
- HARPS-N (external link from Observatoire de l'Université de Genève)
- Imaging
- Spectroscopy
- High Resolution Spectroscopy, SARG (Java) Readout Time Calculator for all CCD's
- Giano: graphical user interface manual
- Giano: cookbook for astronomers
- Nics user guide
- Dolores: the graphical user interface manual
- Dolores: Quick user guide
- Sarg: The graphical user interface manual
- Sarg: Quick user guide
Access to TNG data via the Italian Center for Astronomical Archives