I 25 anni del TNG
19 - 21 Ottobre 2021 La Palma
We celebrated the 25th anniversary of the inauguration of the Telescopio Nazionale Galileo (June 29, 1996) with a meeting which was held from October 19 to 21, 2021 in La Palma. The arrival of some of the attendees was hampered by the closure of La Palma airport on October on 16 and 17 due to the ashes of the Cumbre Vieja volcano, whose eruption started on September 19 and is still ongoing. Therefore, the possibility to follow the meeting as a webinar was rapidly setted.
Despite this, 25 fearless participants arrived from Italy, joined the 24 from the FGG. On the first day, representatives of the local authorities and of other telescopes located on the island attended the meeting, too.
Welcome addresses have been brought from the INAF President Marco Tavani, the Consejera de Cultura Jovita Monterrey Yanes, the Alcalde of Garafia Yeray Rodriguez Rodriguez, the Brena Baja Councilor Juan Manuel Perez Álvarez, the CCI President Luca Valenziano, the IAC Director Rafael Rebolo, and the ORM Administrator Juan Carlos Perez Arrencibia. The TNG Director, Ennio Poretti, also read a message from Giancarlo Setti.
All the speakers outlined the events that led to the realization of the TNG and its subsequent use for research, development and outreach purposes. The discussions instead focused more on the future of the TNG and on how to keep it at the frontiers of modern researches in astrophysics. The meeting fully reached its goal since it was conceived as a working moment between the INAF and FGG communities.
On the last day we organized a trip to the Roque de los Muchachos Observatory, visiting not only the TNG (a dive in the past for many Italian astronomers), but also the Gran Telescopio Canarias (visit guided by the Director, Romano Corradi, and by Riccardo Scarpa), the MAGIC and the LSST (both by Victor Acciari, MAGIC Coordinator).
Back-home flights did not suffer for any delay.
Filippo Zerbi
Rafael Rebolo
Luca Valenziano
Rossella Spiga
The legacy of the TNG realization
Cesare Barbieri
The history of the Telescopio Nazionale Galileo from Phase-A to the first light.
Stefano Cristiani
TNG in the Italian tradition of the surveys for radio-loud and radio-quiet quasars.
Filippo Ambrosino
SiFAP2: looking inside fast periodic and transient phenomena at sub- microsecond time scales.
Angelo Antonelli
TNG and the Gamma ray sky of Canary Islands: scientific and technical synergies.
Piero Benvenuti
The impact of satellite constellations on astronomical observations.
Discussion and Closing Remarks