Fundación Galileo Galilei - INAF Telescopio Nazionale Galileo 28°45'14.4N 17°53'20.6W 2387.2m A.S.L.

Publications including TNG data

This list contains only accepted publications in refereed journals. Authors using TNG data are asked to send a complete reference of their papers to Walter Boschin.

You can select between these dates:

Categories are assigned to publications according to the following scheme:

  • A: Cosmology
  • B: Galaxies and galactic nuclei
  • C: Interstellar medium, star formation and planetary systems
  • D: Stellar evolution
  • E: Other


  1. 118. A Testbed for Tidal Migration: the 3D Architecture of an Eccentric Hot Jupiter HD 118203 b Accompanied by a Possibly Aligned Outer Giant Planet Zhang, J.; Huber, D.; Weiss, L. M.; et al. Astronomical Journal, 168, 295 (partly based on observations made with HARPS-N@TNG); Category: C
  2. 117. The physical properties of two potential targets for space missions: (155140) 2005 UD and (612267) 2001 SG286 Gherase, R. M.; Popescu, M.; Vaduvescu, O.; et al. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 535, 3077 (partly based on observations made with NICS@TNG); Category: C
  3. 116. CLASH-VLT: Galaxy cluster MACS J0329-0211 and its surroundings using galaxies as kinematic tracers Girardi, M.; Boschin, W.; Mercurio, A.; et al. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 692, A175 (partly based on observations made with DOLoRes@TNG); Category: A
  4. 115. The GAPS programme at TNG: LXII. Studies of atmospheric FeII winds in ultra-hot Jupiters KELT-9b and KELT-20b using the HARPS-N spectrograph Stangret, M.; Fossati, L., D’Arpa, M. C.; et al. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 692, A76 (based on observations made with HARPS-N@TNG); Category: C
  5. 114. Architecture of TOI-561 planetary system Piotto, G.; Zingales, T.; Borsato, L.; et al. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 535, 2763 (partly based on observations made with HARPS-N@TNG); Category: C
  6. 113. The GAPS programme at TNG: LXIII. Photo-evaporating puzzle: Exploring the enigmatic nature of TOI-5398 b atmospheric signal D’Arpa, M. C.; Guilluy, G.; Mantovan, G.; et al. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 692, A77 (based on observations made with HARPS-N and GIANO@TNG); Category: C
  7. 112. Stellar surface information from the Ca II H&K lines - II. Defining better activity proxies Cretignier, M.; Hara, N. C.; Pietrow, A. G. M.; et al. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 535, 2562 (partly based on observations made with HARPS-N@TNG); Category: D
  8. 111. The Radcliffe Wave as traced by young open clusters. Stellar parameters, activity indicators, and abundances of solar-type members of eight young clusters Alonso Santiago, J.; Frasca, A.; Bragaglia, A.; et al. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 691, A317 (based on observations made with HARPS-N and GIANO@TNG); Category: D
  9. 110. GRB 240529A: A Tale of Two Shocks Sun, T.-R.; Geng, J.-J.; Yan, J.-Z.; et al. Astrophysical Journal, 976, L20 (partly based on observations made with NICS@TNG); Category: A
  10. 109. SWEET-Cat: A view on the planetary mass-radius relation Sousa, S. G.; Adibekyan, V.; Delgado-Mena, E.; et al. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 691, A53 (partly based on observations made with HARPS-N@TNG); Category: C
  11. 108. The chemical evolution of the Milky Way thin disk using solar twins Plotnikova, A.; Spina, L.; Ratcliffe, B.; et al. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 691, A298 (based on observations made with HARPS-N@TNG); Category: D
  12. 107. Super-slowly rotating Ap (ssrAp) stars: Spectroscopic study Mathys, G.; Holdsworth, D. L.; Giarrusso, M.; et al. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 691, A186 (partly based on observations made with HARPS-N@TNG); Category: D
  13. 106. Spectral and timing properties of the accreting millisecond X-ray pulsar IGR J17498-2921 during its 2023 outburst Illiano, G.; Papitto, A.; Marino, A.; et al. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 691, A189 (partly based on observations made with SiFAP2@TNG); Category: D
  14. 105. High-resolution spectroscopy of detached eclipsing binaries during total eclipses Helminiak, K. G.; Olszewska, J.; Puciata-Mroczynska, & Pawar, T. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 691, A170 (partly based on observations made with HARPS-N@TNG); Category: D
  15. 104. High-resolution transmission spectroscopy of the hot-Saturn HD 149026b Biassoni, F.; Borsa, F.; Haardt, F.; & Rainer, M. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 691, A283 (based on observations made with HARPS-N and GIANO@TNG); Category: C
  16. 103. Unveiling the shape: a multi-wavelength analysis of the galaxy clusters Abell 76 and Abell 1307 Barrena, R.; Pizzuti, L.; Chon, G.; & Bohringer, H. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 691, A135 (partly based on observations made with DOLoRes@TNG); Category: A
  17. 102. A Gaussian process model for stellar activity in 2-D line profile time-series Yu, H.; Aigrain, S.; Klein, B.; et al. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 535, 634 (partly based on observations made with HARPS-N@LCST); Category: C
  18. 101. Cepheid Metallicity in the Leavitt Law (C- MetaLL) survey: VI: Radial abundance gradients of 29 chemical species in the Milky Way Disk Trentin, E.; Catanzaro, G; Ripepi, V.; et al. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 690, A246 (partly based on observations made with HARPS-N@TNG); Category: D
  19. 100. K2-370 b: a strongly irradiated sub-Neptune transiting a very active solar-type star Sozzetti, A.; Damasso, M.; Fernandez Fernandez, J.; et al. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 535, 531 (partly based on observations made with HARPS-N@TNG); Category: C
  20. 99. Spot Modeling through Multiband Photometry. Analysis of V1298 Tau Biagini, A.; Petralia, A.; Di Maio, C.; et al. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 690, A386 (partly based on observations made with HARPS-N@TNG); Category: C
  21. 98. Gaussian Process Models Impact the Inferred Properties of Giant Planets around Active Stars Tran, Q. H.; & Bowler, B. P. Astronomical Journal, 168, 183 (partly based on observations made with HARPS-N@TNG); Category: C
  22. 97. Obliquities of Exoplanet Host Stars: 19 New and Updated Measurements, and Trends in the Sample of 205 Measurements Knudstrup, E.; Albrecht, S. H.; Winn, J. N.; et al. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 690, A379 (partly based on observations made with HARPS-N@TNG); Category: C
  23. 96. The GAPS Programme at TNG. LXI. Atmospheric parameters and elemental abundances of TESS young exoplanet host stars Filomeno, S.; Biazzo, K.; Baratella, M.; et al. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 690, A370 (based on observations made with HARPS-N@TNG); Category: C
  24. 95. The HD 191939 Exoplanet System is Well Aligned and Flat Lubin, J.; Petigura, E. A.; Van Zandt, J.; et al. Astronomical Journal, 168, 196 (partly based on observations made with HARPS-N@TNG); Category: C
  25. 94. Near-infrared Spectral Homogeneity of the Didymos System Before and After the DART Impact Ieva, S.; Mazzotta Epifani, E.; Dotto, E.; et al. Planetary Science Journal, 5, 225 (based on observations made with NICS@TNG); Category: C
  26. 93. The GAPS Programme at TNG. LIX. A characterisation study of the ∼300 Myr old multi-planetary system orbiting the star BD+40 2790 (TOI-2076) Damasso, M.; Locci, D.; Benatti, S.; et al. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 690, A235 (partly based on observations made with HARPS-N@TNG); Category: C
  27. 92. The GAPS programme at TNG: LX. Atmospheric characterisation of KELT-9 b via single-line analysis: Detection of six H I Balmer lines, Na I, Ca I, Ca II, Fe I, Fe II, Mg I, Ti II, Sc II, and Cr II D'Arpa, M. C.; Saba, A.; Borsa, F.; et al. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 690, A237 (based on observations made with HARPS-N@TNG); Category: C
  28. 91. ODUSSEAS: Upgraded version with new reference scale and parameter determinations for 82 planet-host M dwarf stars in SWEET-Cat Antoniadis-Karnavas, A.; Sousa, S. G.; Delgado-Mena, E.; Santos, N. C.; & Andreasen, D. T. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 690, A58 (partly based on observations made with HARPS-N@TNG); Category: C
  29. 90. A sub-Earth-mass planet orbiting Barnard’s star Gonzalez Hernandez, J.; Suarez Mascareno, A.; Silva, A. M.; et al. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 690, A79 (partly based on observations made with HARPS-N@TNG); Category: C
  30. 89. Early-Time Observations of SN 2023wrk: A Luminous Type Ia Supernova with Significant Unburned Carbon in the Outer Ejecta Liu, J.; Wang, X.; Andrade, C.; et al. Astrophysical Journal, 973, 117 (partly based on observations made with DOLoRes@TNG); Category: D
  31. 88. K2-399 b is not a planet. The Saturn that wandered through the Neptune desert is actually a hierarchical eclipsing binary Lillo-Box, J.; Latham, D. W.; Collins, K. A.; et al. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 689, L8 (partly based on observations made with HARPS-N@TNG); Category: C
  32. 87. The enigmatic double-peaked stripped-envelope SN 2023aew Kangas, T.; Kuncarayakti, H.; Nagao, T.; et al. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 689, A182 (partly based on observations made with NICS@TNG); Category: D
  33. 86. Utilizing Photometry from Multiple Sources to Mitigate Stellar Variability in Precise Radial Velocities: A Case Study of Kepler-21 Beard, C.; Robertson, P.; Giovinazzi, M. R.; et al. Astronomical Journal, 168, 149 (partly based on observations made with HARPS-N@TNG); Category: C
  34. 85. Evidence for Primordial Alignment: Insights from Stellar Obliquity Measurements for Compact Sub-Saturn Systems Radzom, B. T.; Dong, J.; Rice, M.; et al. Astronomical Journal, 168, 116 (partly based on observations made with HARPS-N@TNG); Category: C
  35. 84. Detecting and Classifying Flares in High-Resolution Solar Spectra with Supervised Machine Learning Hao, N.; Flagg, L.; & Jayawardhana, R. Astrophysical Journal, 973, 109 (partly based on observations made with HARPS-N@LCST); Category: D
  36. 83. PSZ2 G282.28+49.94, a recently discovered analogue of the famous Bullet Cluster Bartalucci, I.; Rossetti, M.; Boschin, W.; et al. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 689, A324 (partly based on observations made with DOLoRes@TNG); Category: A
  37. 82. The GAPS Programme at TNG: LVIII. Two multi-planet systems with long-period substellar companions around metal-rich stars Ruggieri, A.; Desidera, S.; Sozzetti, A.; et al. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 689, A235 (partly based on observations made with HARPS-N@TNG); Category: C
  38. 81. The K2 and TESS Synergy III: search and rescue of the lost ephemeris for K2's first planet Thygesen, E.; Rodriguez, J. E.; De Beurs, Z. L.; et al. Astronomical Journal, 168, 161 (partly based on observations made with HARPS-N@TNG); Category: C
  39. 80. The TROY project III. Exploring co-orbitals around low-mass stars Balsalobre-Ruza, O.; Lillo-Box, J.; Barrado, D.; et al. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 689, A53 (partly based on observations made with HARPS-N@TNG); Category: C
  40. 79. Exploring fluorine chemical evolution in the Galactic disk: the open cluster perspective Seshashayana, S. B.; Jonsson, H.; D'Orazi, V.; et al. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 689, A120 (based on observations made with GIANO@TNG); Category: D
  41. 78. The MOPYS project: A survey of 70 planets in search of extended He I and H atmospheres. No evidence of enhanced evaporation in young planets Orell-Miquel, J.; Murgas, F.; Palle', E.; et al. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 689, A179 (partly based on observations made with HARPS-N and GIANO@TNG); Category: C
  42. 77. A Comparative Simulation Study of Hot and Ultra-hot Jupiter Atmospheres using Different Ground-based High-resolution Spectrographs with Cross-correlation Spectroscopy Dubey, D.; & Majumdar, L. Astrophysical Journal, 972, 165 (partly based on observations made with GIANO@TNG); Category: C
  43. 76. Probing pre-supernova mass loss in double-peaked Type Ibc supernovae from the Zwicky Transient Facility Das, K. K.; Kasliwal, M. M.; Sollerman, J.; et al. Astrophysical Journal, 972, 91 (partly based on observations made with DOLoRes@TNG); Category: D
  44. 75. Tracking Advanced Planetary Systems (TAPAS) with HARPS-N VIII. A wide-orbit planetary companion in the hot-Jupiter system HD 118203 Maciejewski, G.; Niedzielski, A.; Gozdziewski, K.; et al. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 688, A172 (partly based on observations made with HARPS-N@TNG); Category: C
  45. 74. Ariel stellar characterisation II. Chemical abundances of carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen for 181 planet-host FGK dwarf stars da Silva, R.; Danielski, C.; Delgado Mena, E.; et al. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 688, A193 (partly based on observations made with HARPS-N@TNG); Category: C
  46. 73. Evidence for Nightside Water Emission Found in Transit of Ultrahot Jupiter WASP-33b Yang, Y.; Chen, G.; Yan, F.; Tan, X.; & Ji, J. Astrophysical Journal Letters, 971, L8 (partly based on observations made with GIANO@TNG); Category: C
  47. 72. Red eminence: The intermediate-luminosity red transient AT 2022fnm Moran, S.; Kotak, R.; Fraser, M.; et al. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 688, A161 (partly based on observations made with DOLoRes@TNG); Category: D
  48. 71. TOI-1408: Discovery and Photodynamical Modeling of a Small Inner Companion to a Hot Jupiter Revealed by Transit Timing Variations Korth, J.; Chaturvedi, P.; Parviainen, H.; et al. Astrophysical Journal Letters, 971, L28 (partly based on observations made with HARPS-N@TNG); Category: C
  49. 70. A hot-Jupiter progenitor on a super-eccentric retrograde orbit Gupta, A. F.; Millholland, S. C.; Im, H.; et al. Nature, 632, 50 (partly based on observations made with HARPS-N@TNG); Category: C
  50. 69. Improving Earth-like planet detection in radial velocity using deep learning Zhao, Y.; Dumusque, X.; Cretignier, M.; et al. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 687, A281 (partly based on observations made with HARPS-N@LCST); Category: C
  51. 68. Confrontation between modelled solar integrated observables and direct observations I. Radial velocities and convective blueshift Meunier, N.; Lagrange, A.-A.; Dumusque, X.; & Sulis, S. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 687, A303 (based on observations made with HARPS-N@LCST); Category: C
  52. 67. HD152843 b & c: the masses and orbital periods of a sub-Neptune and a superpuff Neptune Nicholson, B. A.; Aigrain, S.; Eisner, N. L.; et al. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 532, 4632 (partly based on observations made with HARPS-N@TNG); Category: C
  53. 66. Probing the Shock Breakout Signal of SN 2024ggi from the Transformation of Early Flash Spectroscopy Zhang, J.; Dessart, L.; Wang, X.; et al. Astrophysical Journal, 970, L18 (partly based on observations made with DOLoRes@TNG); Category: D
  54. 65. The Mean Longitudinal Magnetic Field and its Uses in Radial-Velocity Surveys Rescigno, F.; Mortier, A.; Dumusque, X.; et al. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 532, 2741 (based on observations made with HARPS-N@LCST); Category: D
  55. 64. Low-mass stellar and substellar content of the young cluster Berkeley 59 Panwar, N.; Rishi, C.; Sharma, S.; et al. Astronomical Journal, 168, 89 (partly based on observations made with NICS@TNG); Category: D
  56. 63. The GAPS programme at TNG. LVII. TOI-5076b: A warm sub-Neptune planet orbiting a thin-to-thick-disk transition star in a wide binary system Montalto, M.; Greco, N.; Biazzo, K.; et al. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 687, A226 (partly based on observations made with HARPS-N@TNG); Category: C
  57. 62. Stellar population astrophysics (SPA) with the TNG: Measurement of the He I 10830Å line in the open cluster Stock 2 Jian, M.; Fu, X.; Matsunaga, N.; et al. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 687, A189 (based on observations made with HARPS-N and GIANO@TNG); Category: D
  58. 61. Diffuse interstellar bands in the near-infrared: Expanding the reddening range Castellanos, R.; Najarro, F.; Garcia, M.; Patrick, L. R.; & Geballe, T. R. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 532, 2065 (partly based on observations made with GIANO@TNG); Category: C
  59. 60. Extinction and AGN over host galaxy contrast effects on the optical spectroscopic classification of AGN Barquin-Gonzalez, L.; Mateos, S.; Carrera, F. J.; et al. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 697, A159 (partly based on observations made with DOLoRes@TNG); Category: B
  60. 59. The GAPS Programme at TNG. LVI: Characterization of the low-density gas giant HAT-P-67 b with GIARPS Sicilia, D.; Scandariato, G.; Guilluy, G.; et al. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 687, A143 (based on observations made with HARPS-N and GIANO@TNG); Category: C
  61. 58. Solar photospheric spectrum microvariability II. Observed relations to magnetic activity and radial-velocity modulation Dravins, D.; & Ludwig, H.-G. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 687, A60 (based on observations made with HARPS-N@LCST); Category: C
  62. 57. SN 2023zaw: an ultra-stripped, nickel-poor supernova from a low-mass progenitor Das, K. K.; Fremling, C.; Kasliwal, M. M.; et al. Astrophysical Journal Letters, 969, L11 (partly based on observations made with DOLoRes@TNG); Category: D
  63. 56. GRBs from Collapse of Thorne–Żytkow–like Objects as the Aftermath of WD-NS Coalescence Peng, Z.-k.; Liu, Z.-k.; Zhang, B.-B.; & Gao, H. Astrophysical Journal, 967, 156 (partly based on observations made with DOLoRes@TNG); Category: A
  64. 55. Stellar obliquity measurements of six gas giants. Orbital misalignment of WASP-101b and WASP-131b Zak, J.; Bocchieri, A.; Sedaghati, E.; et al. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 686, A147 (partly based on observations made with HARPS-N@TNG); Category: C
  65. 54. Modelling stochastic and quasi-periodic behaviour in stellar time-series: Gaussian process regression versus power-spectrum fitting O’Sullivan, N. K.; & Aigrain, S. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 531, 4181 (based on observations made with HARPS-N@LCST); Category: C
  66. 53. Investigating stellar activity through eight years of Sun-as-a-star observations Klein, B.; Aigrain, S.; Cretigner, M.; et al. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 531, 4238 (based on observations made with HARPS-N@LCST); Category: C
  67. 52. Yellow hypergiant V509 Cas: stable in the 'yellow void' Kasikov, A.; Kolka, I.; Aret, A.; Eenmae, T.; & Checha, V. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 686, A270 (partly based on observations made with SARG@TNG); Category: D
  68. 51. MINCE II. Neutron capture elements Francois, P.; Cescutti, G.; Bonifacio, P.; et al. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 686, A295 (partly based on observations made with HARPS-N@TNG); Category: D
  69. 50. Search for giant planets in M67 V: a warm Jupiter orbiting the turn-off star S1429 Thomas, L.; Saglia, R.; Pasquini, L.; et al. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 686, A19 (partly based on observations made with HARPS-N@TNG); Category: C
  70. 49. TASTE. V. A new ground-based investigation of orbital decay in the ultra-hot Jupiter WASP-12b Leonardi, P.; Nascimbeni, V.; Granata, V.; et al. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 686, A84 (partly based on observations made with HARPS-N@TNG); Category: C
  71. 48. Multiwavelength photometric study of RR lyrae variables in the globular cluster NGC 5272 (Messier 3) Kumar, N.; Bhardwaj, A.; Singh, H. P.; et al. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 531, 2976 (partly based on observations made with OIG@TNG); Category: D
  72. 47. The GAPS Programme at TNG. LIV. A He I survey of close-in giant planets hosted by M-K dwarf stars with GIANO-B Guilluy, G.; D'Arpa, M. C.; Bonomo, A. S.; et al. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 686, A83 (based on observations made with HARPS-N and GIANO@TNG); Category: C
  73. 46. SN 2020pvb: A Type IIn-P supernova with a precursor outburst Elias-Rosa, N.; Brennan, S. J.; Benetti, S.; et al. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 686, A13 (partly based on observations made with DOLoRes@TNG); Category: D
  74. 45. Trio of super-Earth candidates orbiting K-dwarf HD 48948: a new habitable zone candidate Dalal, S.; Rescigno, F.; Cretignier, M.; et al. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 531, 4464 (based on observations made with HARPS-N@TNG); Category: C
  75. 44. The GAPS Programme at TNG. LV. Multiple molecular species in the atmosphere of HAT-P-11 b and review of the HAT-P-11 planetary system Basilicata, M.; Giacobbe, P.; Bonomo, A. S.; et al. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 686, A127 (partly based on observations made with HARPS-N and GIANO@TNG); Category: C
  76. 43. Observations of type Ia supernova SN 2020nlb up to 600 days after explosion, and the distance to M85 Williams, S. C.; Kotak, R.; Lundqvist, P.; et al. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 685, A135 (partly based on observations made with DOLoRes@TNG); Category: D
  77. 42. Gliese 12 b, A Temperate Earth-sized Planet at 12 Parsecs Discovered with TESS and CHEOPS Dholakia, S.; Palethorpe, L.; Venner, A.; et al. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 531, 1276 (partly based on observations made with HARPS-N@TNG); Category: C
  78. 41. Constraints on the z∼5 Star-Forming Galaxy Luminosity Function From Hubble Space Telescope Imaging of an Unbiased and Complete Sample of Long Gamma-ray Burst Host Galaxies Sears, H.; Chornock, R.; Strader, J.; et al. Astrophysical Journal, 966, 133 (partly based on observations made with DOLoRes@TNG); Category: A
  79. 40. A magnetar giant flare in the nearby starburst galaxy M82 Mereghetti, S.; Rigoselli, M.; Salvaterra, R.; et al. Nature, 629, 58 (partly based on observations made with DOLoRes@TNG); Category: D
  80. 39. Multi-band analyses of the bright GRB 230812B and the associated SN2023pel Hussenot-Desenonges, T.; Wouters, T.; Guessoum, N.; et al. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 530, 1 (partly based on observations made with NICS@TNG); Category: A
  81. 38. Identification of the Top TESS Objects of Interest for Atmospheric Characterization of Transiting Exoplanets with JWST Hord, B. J.; Kempton, E. M.-R.; Mikal-Evans, T.; et al. Astronomical Journal, 167, 233 (partly based on observations made with HARPS-N@TNG); Category: C
  82. 37. Revisiting the warm sub-Saturn TOI-1710b. The impact of stellar activity on the mass measurement Orell-Miquel, J.; Carleo, I.; Murgas, F.; et al. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 684, A96 (partly based on observations made with HARPS-N@TNG); Category: C
  83. 36. UPCluster-SZ: The Updated Catalog of Galaxy Clusters from the List of Planck Sunyaev-Zeldovich Source Bahk, H.; & Hwang, H. S. Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 272, 7 (partly based on observations made with DOLoRes@TNG); Category: A
  84. 35. Orbital obliquity of the young planet TOI-5398 b and the evolutionary history of the system Mantovan, G.; Malavolta, L.; Locci, D.; et al. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 684, L17 (based on observations made with HARPS-N@TNG); Category: C
  85. 34. Stellar population astrophysics (SPA) with the TNG. Abundance analysis of nearby red giants and red clump stars: combining high resolution spectroscopy and asteroseismology Vernekar, N.; Lucatello, S.; Bragaglia, A.; et al. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 684, A85 (based on observations made with HARPS-N and GIANO@TNG); Category: D
  86. 33. The GAPS Programme at TNG. LIII. New insights on the peculiar XO-2 system Ruggieri, A.; Desidera, S.; Biazzo, K.; et al. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 684, A116 (partly based on observations made with HARPS-N@TNG); Category: C
  87. 32. The compact multi-planet system GJ 9827 revisited with ESPRESSO Passegger, V. M.; Suárez Mascareño, A.; Allart, R.; et al. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 684, A38 (partly based on observations made with HARPS-N@TNG); Category: C
  88. 31. The orbital parameters of the Delta Cep inner binary system determined using 2019 HARPS-N spectroscopic data Nardetto, N.; Hocde, V.; Kervella, P.; et al. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 684, L9 (based on observations made with HARPS-N@TNG); Category: B
  89. 30. Once in a blue stream. Detection of recent star formation in the NGC 7241 stellar stream with MEGARA Martinez-Delgado, D.; Roca-Fabrega, S.; Gil de Paz, A.; et al. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 684, A157 (partly based on observations made with DOLoRes@TNG); Category: B
  90. 29. Magnetically arrested disks in FR I radio galaxies He, H.; You, B.; Jiang, N.; et al. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 530, 530 (partly based on observations made with DOLoRes@TNG); Category: B
  91. 28. A Tale of Two Peas-In-A-Pod: The Kepler-323 and Kepler-104 Systems Thomas, C. A.; Weiss, L. M.; Isaacson, H.; et al. Astronomical Journal, 167, 160 (partly based on observations made with HARPS-N@TNG); Category: C
  92. 27. Stellar Population Astrophysics (SPA) with TNG. Fluorine abundances in seven open cluster Seshashayana, S. B.; Jonsson, H.; D'Orazi, V.; et al. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 683, A218 (based on observations made with HARPS-N and GIANO@TNG); Category: D
  93. 26. The complex circumstellar environment of supernova 2023ixf Zimmerman, E. A.; Irani, I.; Chen, P.; et al. Nature, 627, 759 (partly based on observations made with HARPS-N@TNG); Category: D
  94. 25. The TESS-Keck Survey. XII. A Dense 1.8 REarth Ultra-Short-Period Planet Possibly Clinging to a High-Mean-Molecular-Weight Atmosphere After the First Gigayear Rubenzahl, R. A.; Dai, F.; Howard, A. W.; et al. Astronomical Journal, 167, 153 (party based on observations made with HARPS-N@TNG); Category: C
  95. 24. Confronting compositional confusion through the characterisation of the sub-Neptune orbiting HD 77946 Palethorpe, L.; John, A. A.; Mortier, A.; et al. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 529, 3323 (partly based on observations made with HARPS-N@TNG); Category: C
  96. 23. GIARPS High-resolution Observations of T Tauri stars (GHOST) V. New insights into disk winds from 3 km/s resolution spectroscopy Nisini, B.; Gangi, M.; Giannini, T.; et al. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 683, A116 (based on observations made with HARPS-N and GIANO@TNG); Category: D
  97. 22. The GAPS programme at TNG LII. Spot modeling of V1298 Tau using SpotCCF tool Di Maio, C.; Petralia, A.; Micela, G.; et al. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 683, A239 (based on observations made with HARPS-N@TNG); Category: C
  98. 21. Characterization of K2-167 b and CALM, a new stellar activity mitigation method de Beurs, Z. L.; Vanderburg, A.; Thygesen, E.; et al. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 529, 1047 (based on observations made with HARPS-N@TNG); Category: C
  99. 20. Boost recall in quasi-stellar object selection from highly imbalanced photometric datasets. The reverse selection method Calderone, G.; Guarneri, F.; Porru, M.; et al. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 683, A34 (partly based on observations made with DOLoRes@TNG); Category: B
  100. 19. Small but mighty: High-resolution spectroscopy of ultra-hot Jupiter atmospheres with compact telescopes. KELT-9 b's transmission spectrum with Wendelstein's FOCES Spectrograph Borsato, N. W.; Hoeijmakers, H. J.; Cont, D.; et al. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 683, A98 (partly based on observations made with HARPS-N@TNG); Category: C
  101. 18. High-resolution spectroscopy of the young open cluster M 39 (NGC 7092) Alonso Santiago, J.; Frasca, A.; Catanzaro, G.; et al. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 683, A75 (partly based on observations made with HARPS-N@TNG); Category: D
  102. 17. Giant Outer Transiting Exoplanet Mass (GOT 'EM) Survey. IV. Long-term Doppler Spectroscopy for 11 Stars Thought to Host Cool Giant Exoplanets Dalba, P. A.; Kane, S. R.; Isaacson, H.; et al. Astrophysical Journal Supplements, 271, 16 (partly based on observations made with HARPS-N@TNG); Category: C
  103. 16. The GAPS programme at TNG XLIX. TOI-5398, the youngest compact multi-planet system composed of an inner sub-Neptune and an outer warm Saturn Mantovan, G.; Malavolta, L.; Desidera, S.; et al. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 682, A129 (partly based on observations made with HARPS-N@TNG); Category: C
  104. 15. The GAPS Programme at TNG LI. Investigating the correlations between transiting system parameters and host chromospheric activity Claudi, R.; Bruno, G.; Fossati, L.; et al. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 682, A136 (based on observations made with HARPS-N@TNG); Category: C
  105. 14. The GAPS Programme at TNG L - TOI-4515 b: An eccentric warm Jupiter orbiting a 1.2 Gyr-old G-star Carleo, I.; Malavolta, L.; Desidera, S.; et al. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 682, A135 (partly based on observations made with HARPS-N@TNG); Category: C
  106. 13. Characterising TOI-732 b and c: new insights on the M-dwarf radius and density valley Bonfanti, A.; Brady, M.; Wilson, T. G.; et al. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 682, A66 (partly based on observations made with HARPS-N@TNG); Category: C
  107. 12. PRIMASS near-infrared study of the Erigone collisional family Harvison, B.; De Pra, M.; Pinilla-Alonso, N.; et al. Icarus, 412, 115973 (partly based on observations made with NICS@TNG); Category: C
  108. 11. The TESS-Keck Survey XVII. Precise Mass Measurements in a Young, High Multiplicity Transiting Planet System using Radial Velocities and Transit Timing Variation Beard, C.; Robertson, P.; Dai, F.; et al. Astronomical Journal, 167, 70 (partly based on observations made with HARPS-N@TNG); Category: C
  109. 10. Compositional characterization of a primordial S-type asteroid family of the inner main belt Bourdelle de Micas, J.; Fornasier, S.; Delbo, M.; et al. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 682, A64 (partly based on observations made with NICS@TNG); Category: C
  110. 9. A comparative study of two X2.2 and X9.3 solar flares observed with HARPS-N: Reconciling Sun-as-a-star spectroscopy and high-spatial resolution solar observations in the context of the solar-stellar connection Pietrow, A. G. M.; Cretignier, M.; Druett, M. K.; et al. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 682, A46 (based on observations made with HARPS-N@LCST); Category: D
  111. 8. High-resolution transmission spectroscopy of ultra-hot Jupiter WASP-33b with NEID Yang, Y.; Chen, G.; Wang, S.; & Yan, F. Astronomical Journal, 167, 36 (partly based on observations made with HARPS-N@TNG); Category: C
  112. 7. TOI-544 b: a potential water-world inside the radius valley in a two-planet system Osborne, H. L. M.; Van Eylen, V.; Goffo, E.; et al. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 527, 11138 (based on observations made with HARPS-N@TNG); Category: C
  113. 6. TESS Hunt for Young and Maturing Exoplanets (THYME) XI: An Earth-sized Planet Orbiting a Nearby, Solar-like Host in the 400Myr Ursa Major Moving Group Capistrant, B. K.; Soares-Furtado, M.; Vanderburg, A.; et al. Astronomical Journal, 167, 54 (partly based on observations made with HARPS-N@TNG); Category: C
  114. 5. The Kepler Giant Planet Search. I. A Decade of Kepler Planet-host Radial Velocities from W. M. Keck Observatory Weiss, L. M.; Isaacson, H.; Howard, A. W.; et al. Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 270, 8 (partly based on observations made with HARPS-N@TNG); Category: C
  115. 4. A hot mini-Neptune and a temperate, highly eccentric sub-Saturn around the bright K-dwarf TOI-2134 Rescigno, F.; Hebrard, G.; Vanderburg, A.; et al. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 527, 5385 (partly based on observations made with HARPS-N@TNG); Category: C
  116. 3. The magnetically quiet solar surface dominates HARPS-N solar RVs during low activity Lakeland, B. S.; Naylor, T.; Haywood, R. D.; et al. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 527, 7681 (partly based on observations made with HARPS-N@LCST); Category: C
  117. 2. Stellar surface information from the Ca II H&K lines I. Intensity profiles of the solar activity components Cretignier, M.; Pietrow, A. G. M.; & Aigrain, S. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 527, 2940 (partly based on observations made with HARPS-N@LCST); Category: C
  118. 1. Masses, Revised Radii, and a Third Planet Candidate in the "Inverted" Planetary System Around TOI-1266 Cloutier, R.; Greklek-McKeon, M.; Wurmser, S.; et al. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 527, 5464 (partly based on observations made with HARPS-N@TNG); Category: C